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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Crime and Poverty

Nowadays, in this century the whole world facing many of crimes. Crimes that might be a huge problem for each country. Crimes like, killing, stealing and selling drugs these crimes could lead to many problems for the government and the citizens because each crime continue the other crime and the citizens will get used to it that means that the government should solve this huge problem to keep their citizens safe.

These days each country suffer from these problem. Furthermore, government not always fair with the truth because it is hard to know the truth. The judges should be fair when they decide what is the truth because there are some people do not deserve to be in jails. Government should take this problem more serious and take care of it as well.

The UK is trying the best to decide who is guilty and who is innocent. According to The Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 2008, “Many qualities are required of a judge... He or she must of course know the law, and know how to apply it, but the judge must also be wise to the ways of the world. The judge must have the ability to make a decision (Judiciary of England and Wales, n.d.)


What is the causes of crimes David Dickinson (2014) stated that,an economist writing for the Labour- leaning Institute for Public Policy Research, it examined long-term trends in great detail and, among many other things, demonstrated the simple fact that most criminals are unemployed.
That means that the government have to solve the problem of unemployed people by helping them in their life. Government might help them by giving them some work to do that might be a beneficial solution to solve this remedy.
Dickinson,D (2014) What causes crime? Available at:
[Accessed: 20 March 2014].
JUDGE OF ENGLAND AND WALES. What makes a good judge? Available at : [ Accssesd: 20 March 2014].

Monday, 3 March 2014

Welfare State

Welfare State is a system who take care of the people who are sick , too old for working , women who are pregnant or on maternity and the unemployed. In the Uk all the bunerfits for the student is free benifits like health care, they do not pay taxes.However, for the uk citizines is not free. The Uk should be fair because the citizines pay many taxes for the governmetn. Furthermore, the salary of the UK citizens it's not enough for all the taxes and the health care. There are many old prople who need to take care of them the governmrtn have to help and increase the amount of the salary or the other solution is to decrease the amount of taxes.According to Gov.UK (2014)  You get Child Benefit if you’re responsible for a child under 16 (or under 20 if they stay in approved education or training).

 Riches (2014) suggests
Research reveals that most Britons think the £208billion-a-year welfare state is broken.
It must be replaced with tough measures to end the “something for nothing” life enjoyed by many, according to a substantial majority of those taking part in a poll.
And a key change would be a crackdown on migrants – with newcomers made to wait a year before they can claim any handouts.
I agree with Riches because the citizens pay all the taxes and the immigrants do not pay so it is not fair the for the citizens who work all the day and then they pay the taxes. Immigrants should pay taxes. The Welfare state have new rule that the immigrants should work for 13 weeks then they will be paid £139 PW or more with house benefits.  


Riches,C.Benefits blitz: The £208bn broken welfare system ‘fails everyone’. Available at:
[Accessed: 20 March 2014].

Gov.UK(2014) Child Benifits. Available at:https: //
 [Accessed:20 March 2014]. 2014. Benefits blitz: The £208bn broken welfare system ‘fails everyone’ | UK | News | Daily Express. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 10 Mar 2014].
 2- Anonymous. 2014. [online] Available at: 2014. globalisation of values - Google Search. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 10 Mar 2014]. [Accessed: 10 Mar 2014].


Monday, 17 February 2014

Globalisation of Values?
Each country has different culture and different tradition values. Each country follow their culture and tradiotion. However, in some countries they have some similar traditions. Besides, each country have their own traditonal wear and some cultures they wair similar clothes such as , gulf countries like Qatar, UAE, Kuwait , Bahrain and Oman these five countries have the same culture and tradition there is one more gulf country that is KSA. KSA is similar to the five countries in some aspects. The different is that in KSA women can not drieve While in the five gulf country woman have the freedom to drive According to BBC Nwes this is the law in Saudi Arabia the women do not need to drive because they should have a man with her when she go out in this case they do not need to drive.However, the gaurdian should be her husband or some one related. (bbc,2013. Furthermore, in KSA they are very strict on the woman.
In the Europe countries they also have some different and some similarties in some aspects.

1- BBC Nwes (2013) Why can't women drive in Saudi Arabia? Available at : (Accessed: February 17 2013).
 2- Bibliography: 2014. globalisation of values - Google Search. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 10 Mar 2014].


Monday, 3 February 2014

The Role Of Journalists
- What do they do ?
They do many researches and questionnaires that could help their resources to be 100% true and people can trust. Moreover, this could help the newspaper name to be beneficially success due to the topics that they posts.
- What should they do ?
They should put some facts that's help the reader to understand the problem very well.
However, they must attract the readers to read their newspaper this could help them to improve their journalist in a good way.
- What is the balance between through investigation and needless invasion of privacy ?
Sometimes they have to post some problems that is happening in their countries. However, sometimes the country have the privacy to not post anything that about their country because some countries they do not like the other countries to know about their problems.

Monday, 20 January 2014



There are many young homelessness that they are suffering from the style of their life. many of them do not have any job or place to live, every day they dream of having a place or job to live for. Furthermore, they feel that they do not have anything to live for and they are useless and useful. However, there are many causes due this problem According to (Forrester 2006) most of young homelessness they leave their home without pre-planning due to violence from their parents. Besides he stated that there is no space for them to rest in the house that why the decide to leave the house when they are teenager. In addition, they leave the house during the age of 16 and above. (Centerpoint 2005 cited in Forrester 2006).
Acoording to Shelter (2014) individual factors including drug and alcohol misuse, lack of qualifications, lack of social support, debts - especially mortgage or rent arrears, poor physical and mental health, relationship breakdown, and getting involved in crime at an early age.
Drugs is a big problem of homelesness that might cause many crimes such as , killing stealing and other crimes because drugs might cause many problems.


Shelter.(2014).What causes homelessness?
Available at:

[Acessed:20 March 2014].

Monday, 13 January 2014

There are many ways to help the unemployment people to work and to use their free time in a beneficial way. However, many teenagers living their life in a hard way that can cause so many crimes and danger aspects that could destroy their future. In addition, the government of the Uk is helping each unemployment by giving them money to live due to this situation there are some good and bad aspects. The good aspect is that the government is helping the teenager to build their futures. Furthermore, that bad aspect is the teenager is using the money in a wrong way.

Moreover, the reason of that there are lots of teenager who do not have a job is that many teenager that do not have an qualification to work there are many of them that they did not complete their schools. According to NASUWT stated that ''No civilised society can tolerate the waste of talent and loss of opportunity represented by high and persistent levels of youth unemployment.''

Bibliography: 2014. NASUWT: The Largest Teachers' Union In the United Kingdom. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 10 Mar 2014].


Friday, 6 December 2013

Do you now feel differently about living and studying in the UK than you felt in September ?

Well of course yes, i have improved a lot in many aspects such as writing , crammer , spelling mistakes and my speaking as well. In addition , the teachers in South Wales they are very kind. Besides, they help the students to be beneficial in each subject. Furthermore, they help the student to be prepared for the first year.

If yes , why ?
As i said the teachers in South Wales University they are very kind and helpful. Moreover, the teachers help the class in any thing they need even if they feel that they are homesick they help them to feel the opposite way to be success in their uni life. They make you feel comfortable that you are in your home and they are your family. However, they learn the class to be one group and to help each other so they can be one hand.  

In what ways do you think you have changed or not changed ?
In many ways such as , writing speaking i improved a lot than before. Besides, i knew many vocabulary more than before. This three months i improved a lot. However, in math i improved little bit but it is hard. 

Is changing a good or bad thing ? why ? 

It is a beneficial aspect because when you change in a good way you will be proud of your self that you have achieve some of your goals for the future and you are changing in a good way the way that will lead you to your future , a future that you choose to build that you are working so hard to achieve your other goals. So my parents and my country will be proud of me as well.